Stickers on suitcase: unfortunately, there's a hidden risk to it
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Losing your suitcase at the airport is the nightmare fuel for every traveler. The anxiety builds as you stand at the baggage carousel, crossing your fingers and toes that your suitcase will make an appearance. Once your luggage goes MIA, getting it back is a Herculean task. To dodge this predicament, there are some crucial practices to follow. One surprising tip: don’t put stickers on your suitcase. Yep, you read that right. Although those quirky stickers seem like a fun way to spot your luggage quickly, they could actually mess up the scanning process.

Why You Shouldn’t Put Stickers On Suitcase

John, an experienced baggage handler at Dublin Airport, shared some insider knowledge. He recommends ditching those decorative stickers on your suitcases. When airlines check in your luggage, they use barcode labels that machines automatically scan. Stickers and other doodads stuck on the suitcase can throw these scanners off their game.

If your suitcase can’t get scanned properly, it might get tossed into the manual processing lane. And guess what? This lane is notorious for delays and human errors. Your luggage could end up missing your flight and potentially getting lost. That’s right—you could arrive at your destination, while your bag enjoys an extended vacation somewhere unknown.

How to Easily Spot Your Suitcase

So, what’s the best way to identify your suitcase without turning it into a Van Gogh? John suggests keeping your suitcase clean of all unnecessary stickers and labels. Make sure to remove any old stickers too. These can create confusion during the scanning process and might send your bag on an unintended trip.

To make your suitcase stand out, go for sturdy luggage tags with your full contact details. Attach them securely, so they don’t rip off mid-trek. If you crave a bit more flair, consider using a colored suitcase cover or one with a unique pattern. You could also tie a vibrant ribbon to the handle of your suitcase. This adds a splash of character without messing with the barcode.

In a nutshell, when it comes to airport travel, less is more on your suitcase. Ditch the stickers and opt for smarter, foolproof ways to make your baggage easy to find. Happy travels!

**Cet accessoire qu’il ne faut surtout pas mettre sur une valise pour ne pas qu’elle se perde à l’aéroport**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat