Seema Bansal Chada
Illustration by Peter Oumanski

Every issue, GRAZIA USA highlights 17 Game Changers, who inspire, educate, and celebrate individuality, beauty, and style. Meet Seema Bansal Chadha, the founder behind Venus ET Fleur, the leading brand in luxury floral arrangements.

I’ve always been very entrepreneurial in spirit. From a young age, I watched my father build his business from absolutely nothing. I learned business acumen through working for him all throughout college and even in my teens on the weekends. As a creative individual, I’m continuously challenging myself to think outside of the box, innovate, expand, and inspire. This mindset and mentality ultimately birthed Venus ET Fleur.

When my husband, Sunny (then boyfriend!), gifted me Valentine’s Day flowers that withered away upon arrival, I immediately began brainstorming how the floral industry could change and evolve to make special occasions more memorable and create longevity and deeper meaning behind the art of gifting. Our dream grew and further developed into a global company that has truly disrupted the billion-dollar floral industry.

There’s so much room for expansion and growth when it comes to diversity in product lines and offerings, and not only am I hopeful that Venus ET Fleur will be at the forefront of this evolution in our industry; but also, I am confident that we will be. We are continuously brainstorming new ways to take the brand in new directions, reach different audiences, and reimagine what Venus ET Fleur is capable of. There is truly limitless potential for the brand to keep on spearheading luxury, aesthetics and all things lifestyle.

I’m humbled and proud to be at the forefront of this revolution, and I look forward to continuing to empower other young women — especially minorities — and to show them that the sky’s the limit when it comes to championing their own futures and creating the career paths of their dreams. Especially now that I’m pregnant, the word “hope” carries a much deeper meaning. Everything I do is now all the more intentional to ensure that I’m contributing to shaping a world that I’ll be proud for my child to live in.

I feel the most hope in my life when I surround myself with people who make me feel the happiest and most at peace. I am very selective with who I choose to spend my time with, as time is the most limited resource, and I’m grateful to have curated a circle that shares my values, interests, goals, and overall perspective. They truly give me hope, as well, that the future we’re building is promising, exciting, and one that I’m proud to bring a child into.

Make sure to prioritize your inner peace and center yourself in what truly makes you feel happiest. I wholeheartedly believe that you cannot give your time and energy to others if you aren’t aligned and balanced yourself. This is why I always strive to create boundaries between my personal and professional lives, and prioritize both equally, but in different ways, so that they can coexist in harmony.

I would also encourage all young women with entrepreneurial endeavors to ask questions, and soak up information like a sponge! Reach out to other bosses who inspire you, network like crazy, set up coffee dates, and learn as much as you can. You can truly never stop learning. I love expanding my reach and connecting with like-minded ladies so we can grow together, learn from one another, and continuously support and challenge each other. Have faith in the value of collaboration over competition. There really is room for everyone to be so successful and fulfilled.

— As told to Melissa Cronin

To read more Game Changers, pick up GRAZIA USA’s March 2022 issue on newsstands and email [email protected] to subscribe.