Weight loss with nuts? Shed pounds easily with this fruit!
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Forget about restrictive diets! You don’t have to starve yourself to shed extra pounds. Sure, it’s important to watch your diet and stay active, but that doesn’t mean deprivation. Instead, focus on foods that benefit your body. Take dried fruits, for example, especially nuts. Incorporating nuts for your weight loss diet can be game-changers for your health and waistline. Contrary to popular belief, the fats in nuts can actually help you lose weight.

Weight Loss With Nuts?

Here’s the scoop: research from the University of South Australia, shared by Top Santé, tells us something fascinating. After seven randomized controlled trials, researchers found that eating nuts didn’t hinder weight loss. In fact, people eating 42 to 84 grams of nuts on a calorie-restricted diet lost more weight than those who skipped the nuts. Some lost between 1.4 to 7.4 kg more than non-nut eaters.

“Nuts are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, plant protein, and fiber, all contributing to feeling full and reducing excessive calorie intake. They promote better cardiovascular and metabolic health,” says Alison Coates, a professor at the University of South Australia. She adds, “Nuts bring a unique taste and texture that’s hard to find in other food groups.”

How Nuts Help Your Waistline

Nuts work wonders in curbing hunger, crucial for keeping those snack urges at bay. Their appetite suppressant magic comes from their high plant protein and fiber content. Protein slows digestion and stabilizes blood sugar, while fiber increases food volume in the stomach, telling your brain, “I’m full.”

Unlike risky saturated fats, the unsaturated fats in nuts are actually good for you. They help regulate metabolism and can even torch stored fat. Plus, nuts are packed with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and improve cardiovascular health.

Nuts also offer a good dose of plant proteins, essential for building and repairing body tissues. These proteins can boost your metabolic rate, burning more calories. Additionally, the fiber in nuts aids digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes, making them great for weight management.

To harness the benefits without overdoing it on calories, enjoy nuts in moderation. A 30-gram serving per day usually does the trick. Add them to salads, mix them with yogurt, or enjoy them as a snack. Also, choose unsalted and unroasted options to avoid excess sodium and unhealthy added fats.

**Ce fruit sec coupe-faim bon pour la santé peut vous aider à perdre 7 kilos supplémentaires sans trop de peine**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Luce Picat