Lower cholesterol with Korean pear.
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Still a hidden gem in the West, the Korean pear, often called “nashi” or “Asian pear,” offers cholesterol busting benefits. This golden-yellow fruit not only pleases the palate with its crunchy texture and sweet taste but also stands out for its exceptional nutritional properties. Let’s dive into what makes this fruit extra beneficial when it comes to managing cholesterol and improving digestive health.

The Korean pear packs a punch in the dietary fiber department, especially with its high pectin content. Pectin, a soluble fiber, is well-known for lowering cholesterol levels. Here’s how it works: Pectin binds with bile acids in the intestine, making them easier to eliminate. Consequently, your body uses more cholesterol to produce new bile acids, effectively reducing LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol. Studies indicate that incorporating fiber-rich fruits like Korean pear into your diet can significantly cut down LDL cholesterol levels, thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Korean Pear and Cholesterol Reduction: Your Ally in Weight Loss

Besides regulating cholesterol, the fiber in Korean pears brings more to the table. It significantly aids in improving intestinal transit. Insoluble fiber, making up a large part of the pear’s fiber content, adds bulk to stools, facilitating their passage through the digestive tract. This action helps prevent constipation and supports a healthy digestive system.

Feeling full for longer is another benefit. The blend of soluble and insoluble fibers provides lasting satiety, curbing unnecessary snacking. Plus, Korean pear is low in calories but loaded with good nutrients, making it an ideal snack for those looking to shed some pounds.

The Antioxidant Power of Nashi

Beyond its cholesterol-lowering and digestion-boosting properties, Korean pear offers a host of other health advantages. Rich in vitamins C and K, it also contains phenolic compounds known for their antioxidant properties. These nutrients are vital for protecting cells from oxidative damage and fortifying the immune system.

Korean pears also boast a high water content, contributing to proper hydration. Hydration is crucial for many bodily functions, including temperature regulation and maintaining skin elasticity.

Moreover, with a low glycemic index, Korean pear doesn’t cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This makes it a smart choice for people managing diabetes or those aiming to control their blood sugar.

**Ce fruit coréen permet de réduire le taux de cholestérol et d’améliorer le transit**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Luce Picat