Human design
Photo via Getty Images

Forget astrology’s sun signs and over-crowded tourist traps. The latest trend in personalized travel planning is Human Design, a system that delves deeper into your unique energetic blueprint to reveal the ideal vacation just for you.

Think of it as a GPS for your soul. Human Design, like astrology, uses your birth date, time, and location to create a personalized chart that categorizes you into one of four energetic types: Manifestors, Generators/Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each type has distinct needs, preferences, and ways of interacting with the world, and understanding yours can unlock your perfect travel experience.


Costa Rica. Photo via Getty Images

The trendsetters, the bold explorers. You crave novelty and inspiration, so ditch the mainstream tourist spots and embrace the unknown. Think: an off-the-beaten-path jungle trek in Costa Rica, or an expedition to discover hidden ruins in Cambodia. Remember, balance is key. Include downtime to recharge your batteries after a day of adventure.

Generators/Manifesting Generators:

Dolomites. Photo via Getty Images

Restless spirits with an insatiable thirst for experience. You thrive on spontaneity and activities that ignite your spark. A European adventure packed with cultural immersion and adrenaline-pumping activities like hiking the Swiss Alps or skiing the French Dolomites is your ideal playground. Don’t forget to factor in relaxation; find charming cafes to refuel and soak up the local atmosphere.


Human design
Santa Fe. Photo via Getty Images

The wisdom seekers, the cultural connoisseurs. You’re drawn to destinations rich in history and unique traditions. Immerse yourself in the ancient wonders of Petra, Jordan, or delve into the vibrant art scene of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Before you go, become an expert on the local culture — your insights will impress your travel companions. Remember, you need downtime to process and reflect, so factor in spa days or quiet evenings with a good book.


Bali. Photo via Getty Images

The intuitive wanderers, the harmony seekers. You’re drawn to places that resonate with your soul and people who understand your unique energy. Imagine basking on the secluded beaches of Bali, surrounded by nature’s tranquility, or exploring the vibrant souks of Marrakech with like-minded souls. Balance is essential: alternate social interaction with solo adventures and find accommodations that offer both peace and rejuvenation.

How to Get Started:

Ready to embark on your Human Design travel journey? We recommend heading to Human Design expert and certified behavioral specialist Emma Dunwoody’s website to grab your free birth chart and get started. With a little self-discovery and Dunwoody’s expert guidance, you’re on your way to a vacation that nourishes your soul and leaves you feeling truly fulfilled.

Remember, this is just the beginning. Human Design offers a wealth of insights beyond travel planning. By understanding your type, you can unlock your full potential in all areas of life, from relationships to career choices.

So, pack your bags, embrace your unique energy, and discover the world — and yourself — in a whole new way. Happy travels!