Muay Thai has been around for a long time. Its rich history goes back several hundred years in the Kingdom of Siam, the ancient name of Thailand. It originated as a means for soldiers to continue fighting even when they lost their weapons on the battlefield. This fighting art utilized all of the available weapons of an individual, fists, elbows, knees, and shins. Hence, it was called the art of 8 limbs.

To say that Muay Thai is a traditional martial art is accurate. It originated long ago and is also deeply embedded in Thai culture. Muay Thai is considered the national sport of Thailand and rightly so. The art itself is revered by the Thais. Its practitioners are seen as heroes that deserve adulation and respect.

Muay Thai enjoys a status as a national sport that is closely intertwined with the culture and people of Thailand. So to say that something new would be introduced to it could be considered taboo by some. Especially if the change is being introduced by outsiders. After all, Muay Thai originated in Thailand. For many, they felt that Thais should retain control of the sport.

One man dared to dream and realize his vision. And after more the decade, it is clear that the risks that he took were well worth it. That man is Philip Villa, the founder of YOKKAO. Slowly but surely, he is seeing the effects of his efforts. And it was not so much as to assume control of the sport, but to help in its expansion.

One can argue that other brands dared to impact Muay Thai as well. But they have not done so to the extent that YOKKAO has, so far. Philip Villa knew that in order to make an impact, they have to be different. What they offer should be new and something that the sport has not seen before. If they fail to do that, they are no different from the dozens of existing brands that basically offer the same things.

The fact that YOKKAO offered something new and exciting sparked a Muay Thai revolution. Not in terms of fighting styles since that would come as a result of the evolution of the fighters themselves. The YOKKAO-inspired revolution came in the form of cutting-edge Muay gear and equipment. It all started from the aesthetic aspect, with designs that have never been seen before in Muay Thai. Eyes were opened and minds were blown as people realized that such designs could be used. The impact was immediate and very real as people responded positively. They started using the products that YOKKAO rolled out.

Of course, it does not end with aesthetics. YOKKAO made sure to use nothing but the best materials available. They knew that this was important so they can let people know that they care about the overall quality of their products. It is not just about looking great but also making sure that the performance of the products is also world-class. This is YOKKAO’s guarantee to its customers and it is the fact that quality will always come first.

Perhaps no other venture of the company exemplifies the revolution better than the Muay Thai fights. After all, Muay Thai is all about showcasing the beauty and brutality of the art inside the ring. That is what the fans are looking for and they expect the top fighters to display the highest level of skills as they perform. So YOKKAO went on to pick the best place to showcase the beauty of real Muay Thai. That is none other than the YOKKAO Jitmuangnon Stadium in Bangkok.

Spectators who want to see a live Muay Thai fight could go to the gym and witness something they will never forget. It would not simply be a fight that they would witness, but part of a people’s cultural heritage. The YOKKAO Jitmuangnon Stadium allows them to soak up the sights, sounds, and the whole experience that is unique to the sport. It lets the audience get a sense of connection to the fighters and to the art itself. They are immersed in real Muay Thai and it gives them a great idea of what it takes to enter the right and compete.

The YOKKAO revolution rolls along and it is not limited to Muay Thai. While it all started with Philip Villa’s vision for expanding awareness and practice of the art of 8 limbs, it did not stop there. Today, the revolution continues for combat sports in general. Fueled by Philip Villa’s passion and vision to be great, the brand has also dared to include street and training wear to its list of offerings. It is proving to be successful in that pursuit as well. Everything is going according to Philip Villa’s vision of YOKKAO and it is revolutionizing not just Muay Thai, but all of combat sports.