These foods that you should definitely not put in an airfryer.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

The airfryer has become a beloved fixture in many kitchens, charming its users with promises of greased-free frying, quick roasting, grilling, and baking capabilities. However, as much as we’d like to believe the airfryer is a miracle worker in the culinary world, there are just some things it can’t handle.

Foods to Avoid Cooking in an Airfryer

  1. Fresh Leafy Greens: Beware of tossing fresh leafy greens like spinach or kale into the airfryer. Due to their light and delicate nature, they can’t withstand the whirlwind of hot air and may end up flying around, only to stick to the heating elements and burn. It’s a cleanup nightmare and a safety hazard!
  2. Whole Chickens: Think twice before shoving a whole chicken into your airfryer. Due to its size, it can prevent the hot air from circulating properly. While the outside gets falsely reassuring golden brown, the inside might still be raw. For better results, taking the time to cut the chicken into pieces is worth the extra prep.
  3. Cheeses Like Camembert: Airfryers and soft cheeses are not friends. Cheese placed in an airfryer can end up melting messily or even burning. If you’re craving that gooey camembert, stick to your oven or a fondue pot.
  4. Pasta and Rice: It might sound bizarre to even consider, but just in case you’re wondering – no, you cannot boil pasta or rice in an airfryer. These staples need boiling water to cook properly, and the airfryer isn’t equipped to handle that task.
  5. Popcorn: Despite what your adventurous spirit might suggest, avoid cooking popcorn in an airfryer. Attempting to make popcorn in an air fryer typically leads to unpopped kernels and potential damage to the device. Without the necessary popping conditions that a regular stove provides, this outcome is common.

While the airfryer is a handy tool for many cooking tasks, understanding its limitations will help ensure you use it effectively without damaging your machine or ending up with a culinary fail. Embrace what it can do and respect what it can’t, and you and your airfryer will continue to have a happy, healthy relationship in the kitchen!

**Ces Aliments Qu’il Ne Faut Surtout Pas Mettre dans un Airfryer**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat