Here are the phrases that only toxic people say and that should put you on the trail.
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We’ve all encountered a toxic person. After engaging in either short or long-term relationships with such individuals, the outcome is often the same: a great deal of suffering and tears. The scars left by these people are rooted in their subtlety to twist situations, making it easy for them to cause you to doubt yourself during face-to-face interactions.

Consequently, if you frequently fall into the hands of these incorrigible manipulators, it’s time to break free by recognizing their tactics from afar. To assist you, we’ve compiled seven phrases commonly used by toxic people.

Spotting a Toxic Person

Toxic individuals aim to manipulate others for their self-interest. Also, they employ various tactics to get what they want, even at the expense of others.

Signs of a Toxic Person:

  • Constant Criticism: They tend to constantly criticize and belittle others. Additionally, nothing is ever good enough, and they never miss a chance to point out flaws.
  • Lack of Empathy: Toxic people lack empathy and disregard the feelings or needs of others. Furthermore, they are indifferent to others’ suffering and often display an inflated ego.
  • Playing the Victim: They quickly cast themselves as victims, refusing to take responsibility for their actions. Their trick? Blaming others for their problems to garner sympathy.
  • Flimsy Relationship with Truth: The truth is a flexible concept for them. Thus, they lie frequently and manipulate facts to appear in a better light or to achieve what they want.
  • Isolation Tactics: They try to isolate their victims from friends and family to control and manipulate without external interference.

Protecting Yourself:

Recognizing these behaviors can help you take measures to protect yourself and maintain healthy relationships. Moreover, if you identify these signs in someone you know, it may be helpful to limit your interactions with them or seek support to navigate the situation.

Seven Toxic Phrases to Watch Out For:

1. “Are you on the pill?”

This question is often asked by toxic men early in a relationship. If your crush asks this question quickly, chances are they are accustomed to unprotected sex. Stay cautious.

Moreover, such inquiries reveal a disregard for your comfort and safety, underscoring the importance of setting clear boundaries and prioritizing your well-being.

2. “Let’s see what happens.”

For toxic individuals, this means they aren’t open to a real romantic relationship. Instead, they lean towards a “friends with benefits” mentality.

3. “I want more than just sex, but not exactly a relationship.”

This phrase essentially means, “I want all the benefits of a relationship without the responsibility.” You’ll only realize this when you start making future plans, and your “partner” becomes anxious or ghosts you.

4. “I don’t want someone who’s high maintenance.”

Toxic individuals overuse this sentiment. Consequently, they will misbehave, and when confronted, they will place the blame on you, suggesting their ideal partner is low-maintenance, unlike you.

5. “You’re too sensitive!”

By saying this, your crush indicates a lack of energy or emotional intelligence to consider your feelings. Also, they attempt to make you feel guilty for expressing emotions they don’t understand.

6. “It was never a problem with my ex.”

Being a responsible adult requires effort, but some people don’t understand this. Nonetheless, if they are used to partners who tolerate their bad behavior, they’ll seek someone who won’t challenge their actions.

7. “You’re so annoying, are you on your period?”

This phrase should be outright banned. If your crush asks this, they’re showing a lack of emotional intelligence and respect for your feelings. Nevertheless, there’s no need to respond; cut off contact immediately and block them on social media.

**Voici Les Phrases Que Seules Les Personnes Toxiques Prononcent Et Qui Doivent Vous Mettre Sur La Piste**

This article first appeared on – Author: Manuella Kiala