7 sentences that only toxic people use

We have all met a toxic person at least once in our lives. Despite if you are in a more or less serious relationship with a toxic person, the result is often the same: A lot of pain and crying… The damage these people do to our lives come from their ability to reverse the situation, and it becomes too easy to doubt yourself because of them.

If you have a tendency to fall easily into their trap, it is finally time to start noticing them from further away. To help you, here are seven sentences that toxic people commonly use.

7 sentences that are as toxic as the ones who utter them

“Are you taking the pill?”

This sentence is often uttered by toxic men at the beginning of a relationship. We all know that protection is necessary to avoid STDs. However, some men find it fulfilling to have sexual intercourse without it.

If your crush asks this question pretty early on, just know that they are used to having unprotected sex. Thus, be careful.

“Let’s see how it goes.”

By saying this, toxic people mean that they are not open to a true love story. On the contrary, they tend to favor the “sex friend” relationship more than anything else.

“I’m looking for more than sex, but less than a relationship.”

Let’s rephrase: “I want all the advantages of a relationship without the responsibility.” Most people who say this won’t say it to your face. You’ll only realize what they really want when you start planning for the future. Your “partner” may even ghost you!

“I don’t want any drama.”

This sentence would be uttered by anyone sensible. However, toxic people abuse this. They multiply bad behaviors, and when you try to tell them about it, they will make you responsible. They will share their vision of a perfect partner: Someone who doesn’t do drama, which “you are not.”

“You are too sensitive!”

This sentence is as mean as it is toxic. By saying it, your crush shows they don’t have the energy or the emotional intelligence to take your feelings into consideration. Thus, they choose to make you feel guilty for having expressed feelings that they don’t understand.

“It was never a problem before.”

Being a responsible adult takes a lot of work. However, some people have a hard time understanding it. If your crush is used to going out with partners who don’t mind their toxic personality, they will likely turn towards someone like that.

“You are really annoying, are you on your period?”

This sentence should be forbidden. Has your crush uttered it? You can be certain that they lack emotional intelligence and have no respect for your feelings. Moreover, they are probably clumsy with women.

This question does not deserve an answer. Run away as fast as possible, delete their number, and block them on social media.