If you notice you’re in a rut, you probably feel uninspired, tired, and distant. Humans are always dreaming, planning, and trying to work toward the future, so it’s frustrating to feel like you aren’t living the life you want. Although there will always be difficult seasons, you can still make changes that will make a positive difference in your routine.

The result will be a daily life that makes you feel content, balanced, and fulfilled. To get there, you need to make adjustments to your lifestyle habits. Fortunately, these changes are small and simple but effective! Start with these steps and watch how much better you begin to feel.

1. Keep Your Loved Ones Close with Pictures on Gold

No matter how much success, fame, or money you make, you’ll never feel truly happy and fulfilled unless you have special people to share it all with. Community is more important than you might think.

Community can be understood as people that you have things in common with. While you can certainly include family in this, sometimes, friendships you choose based on your shared experiences or interests will become the strongest bonds in your life.

Without a community of people you trust, your life will feel much emptier. Loneliness is so intense that it’s sometimes referred to as an epidemic in today’s society; in fact, there’s been an increase in reported loneliness, which we now understand has damaging effects on mental and physical health.

If you want to make a change that will have a widespread effect on your life, lean into the people around you that you trust. Although a life lived with others can be more chaotic and, at times, more stressful than a solitary existence, it’s also a much more enriching, enjoyable, and valuable one.

If you have any friends and family you can’t be near, whether because of distance or loss or another reason, you can still keep them in your life by calling them and supporting them from afar. Even if this isn’t an option, Pictures On Gold lets you wear their memory around your neck in a custom locket necklace.

2. Ritual Helps You Make Multivitamins and Nutrients a Priority

Another simple change you can make for your overall well-being is adding more vitamins and nutrients into your diet with help from Ritual. This is one of those small daily adjustments you can make that will have a widespread impact.

Many people don’t get enough essential vitamins on a daily basis. Unlike minerals, which can be ingested through foods, our bodies have a more difficult time reaching the necessary vitamin levels because vitamins are harder to absorb. In fact, there are approximately 30 vitamins and nutrients that your body cannot naturally create enough of. So, get into the habit of taking vitamins and supplements to help your body run in tip-top shape!

Adding multivitamins into your routine isn’t tricky, but there are better ways to take them for optimal results. Do your research on Ritual’s online nutrition blog to find out what vitamins you might be low on, the best time to take vitamins, and which vitamins will most benefit your health.

3. Show Up as Your Best Self Thanks to Jones Road Beauty

It’s easy to get caught up in setting outside goals and considering your life from a distance, but you don’t want to forget to focus on yourself.

There are a lot of ideas about what being your best self looks like, and that’s okay. It truly is an individual experience. Essentially, self-love comes down to knowing yourself, caring for yourself, and constantly working toward the person you want to become.

Some probing questions you can ask to further you along your journey to deeper self-discovery include:

    • What kind of person do I want to be?
    • What does the person I want to be do every day?
    • How does the person I want to be think, and how do they react to positive and negative situations?
    • What kind of people does my best self spend time with? What kind of people do they attract?
    • What does the person I want to be look like?


Once you have a well-rounded picture, you can start working towards becoming that version of yourself by making conscious choices that align with the future you. If you want to be financially secure, what spending habits can you follow today to help you get there?

If your best self is confident and unafraid to follow their favorite beauty trends, consider finding clothes and makeup that make you feel like that person. (We recommend Jones Road Beauty’s eyeliner pencil.)

Write down your goals, create a vision board, or do whatever you need to to keep that best version of yourself in mind. Then, start showing up as your best self today.

4. Ubisoft Helps You Spend Time Being Creative

During childhood, we were practically always immersed in creative tasks. From making up stories, painting, and drawing to building, singing, or playing dress-up, children are encouraged to be creative.

Adults often lose some of that creative drive, maybe because creativity doesn’t always pay the bills or because they have a creative job that does pay those bills and want to keep work and life separate. Whatever your reason, if you’ve let creative hobbies and skills fall to the wayside, you’re missing out on an important part of life!

If you use the right side of your brain, you strengthen it and activate new ways of thinking. Creativity can also decrease stress and improve general cognitive function in the long run.

When was the last time you remember immersing yourself in creativity? The simple act of consciously bringing more creativity into your life will make a big difference in your day-to-day routine.

Some ideas for where you can start to include painting or sketching, doing a DIY project, playing an instrument (whether you learn a new skill or return to a familiar one, a tuner like Ubisoft’s Rocksmith+ guitar tuner will help keep you in tune), gardening, baking, or journaling/writing. Whatever amount of time you can allot toward creativity will be worth it!

5. Find a Work-Life Balance Through Branch Furniture

People are generally work-intent: We like to set goals and work on projects. As a society, we’re taught to invest ourselves in our work. Do you know the saying that if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life? Well, it’s true!

It’s important to enjoy your work, even if it isn’t what you imagined you’d be doing. If you can find fulfillment and satisfaction in your job, you’ll feel a sense of daily balance. After all, the average person will spend one-third of their life at work!

Along with enjoying your job, you want to know when to quit work for the day and the week. If you truly love working, you may have trouble stopping. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many realized the struggle of knowing when to finish work for the day — especially when they’re working remotely. Returning to the office helped establish clear lines for some of us, but many still struggle to find a healthy work-life balance.

Often, a poor work-life balance is tied to toxic productivity. That’s the idea that any time you’re not working, you’re slacking off. This negative thinking says that you shouldn’t ever stop working; even people who love their jobs can live out toxic productivity, and their relationships and tasks outside of work will be neglected.

You can maintain healthy work-life productivity by establishing clear work hours and spaces and letting the end of the work day be a return to your personal/social life.

If you struggle with returning to work rather than returning to life, try making your workspace a peaceful place where you feel inspired with decorations and a customizable workstation desk from Branch Furniture.


All it takes are a few simple changes in your routine to radically alter your life positively. Above all else, if you have the intention to make a difference and the drive to put it into action, you’ll succeed at living a life that’s aligned with your goals and sense of self!