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Are you getting tired of seeing the same pictures of tourists, shot at the same locations and posted on social media with the same caption and hashtag? If your desire is to venture away from the crowds, then the German travel guide Marco Polo, our equivalent to the well-known American “Lonely Planet,” has put together a list of places to discover in 2024. We’ve selected 10 of these must-visit destinations for 2024 to add to your travel bucket list, promising you an absolute change in scenery.

What are the destinations where you may be the only one to go amongst others?

Typically, when we make a bucket list of must-visit destinations for 2024, you can almost be certain that 5 or more of your friends have a similar list. The locations are usually the same – the US, Southeast Asia, or major European capitals; finding somewhere you haven’t already visited can be quite a task. To help plan an eye-opening trip to a completely new destination, here are 10 places to expand your worldview:

  • Basilicata, in Italy
  • Kyūshū Island, in Japan
  • Spitzingsee Lake, in Germany
  • Suriname, in South America
  • Biel/Bienne, in Switzerland
  • Darmstadt, in Germany
  • Poel Island, in Germany
  • The Scilly Isles, in the United Kingdom
  • Ecuador, in South America
  • Chesapeake Bay, in the United States
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In southern Italy, the region of Basilicata boasts natural parks, mountains, rolling hills, turquoise seas, and of course, you can’t forget the two seas that line it. As a bonus, you’ll be able to taste the regional cuisine.