Shame, Shame, Shame

From Instagram backlash and the rise of #covidiots, to real-life finger pointing, social shaming is having a moment. Where does this instinct come from, and where does it get us?

How Women In Singapore Are Managing Cabin Fever

Up until very recently, Singapore hasn’t gone into complete lockdown. Instead it has asked its citizens to have their temperatures checked, scan QR barcodes and sign health declarations when moving about. Here, we meet Souad, a 30-something British woman living and working in Singapore

Now Is Not The Time To Maximise Our Productivity

There’s enough going on. It’s okay to do nothing

How Australian Women In New York Are Managing Cabin Fever

New York is known for its tiny little apartments. So how does one not go stir-crazy? In the latest instalment of how to live our best inside-lives, we talk to Honey, a 28-year-old professional living and working on the city's Lower East Side

How Australian Women In Paris Are Managing Cabin Fever

Every day, we’re bringing you the coping mechanisms of different women holed-up in different living situations around the globe. Today, we talk to Kimberlee, a freelance writer living Paris

A How-To Guide To Peacefully Co-Existing With Housemates During Isolation

The average apartment size of a two-bedder in Manhattan and Melbourne is just one quarter of a tennis court. Here's how to get along in close quarters


Every day, we’re bringing you the coping mechanisms of different women holed-up in different living situations around the globe. Today, we talk to Isabelle, a freelance writer and podcast host in London