Instagram has announced a new and improved feature allowing’s its users to define themselves with pronouns on their profile. As of May 2021, you can officially add up to four pronouns next to your Instagram username – along with the option of sharing it publicly or privately.

Within the past couple of years, we’ve noticed how common it is for social media users to identify their preferred pronouns to avoid any misgendering—furthermore, specifying how you would like to be addressed. Users would typically have to place it in their 150-character bio, but now you can finally save your number count and place it next to your username – allowing you to free up space for your favourite emojis.

To add the pronouns to your Instagram account, you simply head over to your profile page, click on “Edit Profile,” and underneath your user name, you will see the “Pronouns” tab. Once clicked on, it’ll leave you with a wide selection of choices that appear in the dropdown menu once you begin to type in the first letter of your preferred pronouns.

This new feature is now available in the UAE and officially open for our community to access!