Sheikh Hamdan Tiny House (1)
Instagram @faz3 / Instagram @tinyhouseattractive

Do you ever just dream about escaping from the hustle and bustle to quieter, more remote parts of the world? Yep, us too.

It seems His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai, is also the same.

Sheikh Hamdan, who is affectionately known as Fazza, recently took to Instagram sharing inspiration for where he’d like to build a “tiny house”.

Over the weekend, the Crown Prince of Dubai reshared a post by Instagram account ‘Tiny House Attractive’ of images of a remote tiny stone cottage which were created by AI.

In the rendered AI images, the tiny two-storey property features an old fire place, stone interiors, a small study and tiny bedroom, all of which overlook a valley of wide open fields and forests.

Sharing the images, it seems Sheikh Hamdan might be taking inspiration for a future property saying he “would love to build one on a mountain in Scotland”.

Sheikh Hamdan Tiny House
Instagram @faz3

The UK Is A Second Home

Perhaps it comes as no surprise Sheikh Hamdan would want to build a second home in the UK, given he spends a lot of his time during summer there. Just a couple of months ago, Fazza was holidaying in the UK in the Yorkshire countryside.

The Crown Prince of Dubai has spent his summer in Yorkshire shooting, hunting and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Sheikh Hamdan, also known affectionately as Fazza, has also been spending quality time with his family, including his two-year-old twins Rashid and Sheikha.

During his time in the Yorkshire countryside, the doting dad enjoyed a bike ride with the twins and shared a stunning drone video on social media. “The start of a great adventure,” he captioned the post.

At a similar time, Sheikh Hamdan’s father, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, was also holidaying in the UK, ironically in Scotland.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Summer Holiday
Instagram @khalifasaeed

Sheikh Mohammed, along with an entourage of people, enjoyed the cooler temperatures of the Scottish Inner Hebrides, located off the west coast of the country’s mainland. Photos posted on social media show him taking in the breathtaking views, sailing and hiking in the hills.

Perhaps the next time the Dubai Ruler is in Scotland, he’ll be able to pay a visit to Fazza’s new “tiny house”…