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Ramadan is the holy month and a time to take a pause and change everyday habits. It’s a time when Muslims increase spiritual and physical submission to their faith by fasting throughout the Holy Month.

It’s a time for reflection, family and giving, which includes a 30-day fast from sunrise to sunset each day.

As we look ahead to 2024, it begs the question: when will Ramadan fall in 2024? Below, GRAZIA tells you everything we know so far.

When is Ramadan 2024?

The Islamic calendar is lunar meaning that the calendar dates shift by 10 days, because lunar years are shorter. As a result, the month of Ramadan starts 10 days earlier every year.

Looking ahead to the next calendar year, the Emirates Astronomy Society has revealed the anticipated dates for Ramadan in 2024. It is anticipated that the Holy Month will begin around March 11, 2024, and end on April 10, 2024, which would mark the beginning of Eid Al Fitr. The dates of the official start will depend on when the crescent moon is visible in the sky.

Ramadan Working hours

Every year in the UAE, and the rest of the GCC, working hours are shortened, some restaurants are closed during the day and school hours are also shortened during the Holy Month. In the UAE, specific working hours are determined by the government and are confirmed just ahead of the Holy Month of Ramadan.

The Practices of Ramadan

The Holy Month is a chance for Muslims to reinforce their faith and strengthen their connection with God, family, friends and fellow human beings. Fasting helps teach Muslims self-discipline, self-restraint and generosity. It also reminds them to empathize with the poor.

Practices Muslims partake include the obligation to pray five times a day and commit to their fast. Additionally, they are encouraged to donate to charitable causes.

When it comes to fasting, many break their fast with dates and following the breaking of the fast, “iftar” they pray an additional prayer of Tarawih. Tarawih prayer is usually held at a mosque where they can recite the entire holy book over the course of Ramadan. There are prohibitions on eating and drinking in public and businesses in the UAE, as well as the wider GCC, usually close or have shortened hours.

Eid Al Fitr 2024

Following the Holy Month of Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr is marked in the Islamic calendar and it is a time for celebration. Some astronomers have calculated that Ramadan 2024 will start on March 11, a Monday, according to Time Out Dubai.

As per the Islamic calendar, Eid Al Fitr is observed from Ramadan 29 to Shawwal 3. If the anticipated Ramadan dates come true, Eid Al Fitr will probably fall on a Wednesday, April 10. If so, workers in the public and private sectors in the United Arab Emirates may be taking a nine-day break. This is because, according to the Gregorian calendar, Shawwal 3 falls on April 12 and Ramadan 29 falls on Monday, April 8.

As always, all public holidays and working hours are confirmed by the UAE authorities.