Art: Kimberlee Kessler

After the penny dropped last week, the vibe is very much primed for you, or the people around you, to have a surprising change of heart this week. With Saturn, the planet of boundaries still very much in the mix, expect to find yourself on the giving or receiving end of a “thanks, but no thanks” conversation.

That unexpected “no thanks” really sets the mood for the rest of the week as you work through how to integrate that new boundary. Don’t assume that just because someone took the news well on Monday they won’t be feeling a bit wounded once the true meaning of things has set in.

By the weekend, the dust begins to settle – just in time for a dreamy Mercury/Neptune conjunction, which is perfect for extending an olive branch. If that’s not on the cards, make use of the whimsical space weather to do something kind for yourself.

Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee.


Stay curious and analytical this week when unexpected messages slide into your DMs. Even if the initial reaction is “ick”, resist the urge to delete immediately. The skies are challenging you to think differently about your relationships. Hear them out, and remember that this could be as much about clarifying what you what you don’t want as much as it is presenting what you truly desire.


An intriguing proposal or introduction brings an electrifying mood to the start of the week. Being tapped for something new is always flattering, but there’s no harm in asking for a little bit of time to think things through. You might find by the weekend you’re feeling totally differently about things, or someone has shown their true colours. Don’t do yourself out of that thinking time.


If ever there was a week to strike up a conversation with the person you’re sitting next to on a plane this is it. If you’re not on the road, keep things open and make sure you hear everyone out before you make any major calls. If you’re feeling undecided, hold out until the weekend when your intuition, especially around career opportunities, will be 20/20.


It’s a week of intrigue and surprises as the skies dish out some seriously dramatic astro weather. Strategic alliances could be made or dissolved as Venus and Mars set the scene for unexpected connections and departures. With all the action happening in the part of your chart representing private dealings, there’s a clandestine quality that could make everything feel that little bit more heightened. Don’t rush into anything, and if you can, let your intuition guide you – you’ll know what to do by next weekend.


It’s action stations from the get-go this week, with the astro weather forecasting “cloudy with a chance of WTF”. Your challenge is to stay steely as you navigate big, unexpected feelings. Resist the temptation to make an impulse move. Something that seems sweeter than honey on Monday might look and feel totally different by the end of the week. Let it play out and reserve judgement.


Should you stay or should you go? That is the question this week with the planets hinting at a brilliant, out of the blue opportunity, potentially at work. It looks good, and it could be great, but before you commit to anything, wait to see how things unfold through the week. There could be a surprising repercussion you haven’t thought about. By the weekend, Mercury and Neptune will be giving you the gut feeling you need to make the right call.


Wait and see. That’s the best strategy to lean into this week, as the planets activate full “surprise” mode. What looks glorious on Monday could be a little on the nose by Friday. That’s totally fine, so long as you haven’t signed your life away early in the week. On the weekend, Mercury and Neptune will deliver a burst of intuition that is so clear, your next best step will be crystal clear.


Consider this: for every action, there is a reaction. This week promises to serve up some surprising developments – possibly some fairly unexpected manoeuvres from people in your immediate field of vision. Reserve judgement until the weekend. There is more to this story that needs to unfold. Let the paint dry and look at the colour in the light of day before you decide to redo the whole room.


Alliances are great, but by their nature, they’re not necessarily going to make everyone happy. If you get the chance to form a new allegiance early in the week be ok with the notion that it won’t please everyone. There could be push back, maybe even a tantrum. That’s ok, you’re not in the business of keeping everyone else happy. If you’re feeling confused by the whole situation, keep your options on the hop and give yourself next weekend to mull it over.


While a too-good-too-miss flash sale early in the week will tempt you to lash out on something deliciously decadent, try, if you can, not to go too crazy. With Mars coming up the rear later in the week, an unexpected outlay could be on the horizon. No sooner have you pressed “complete purchase” on a new pair of Fussbetts than your bank calls to say there’s been an error on your credit card statement and you actually owe more than you expected.


“It’s only hair, it will grow back” is definitely the name of this week’s playlist for Aquarian folks. With Venus blazing through your home sign, holding back on a dramatic new chop or piercing will be near impossible. By all means, lose yourself in a shaved head aesthetic rabbit hole but try if you can, to hold fire until next weekend. The back half of the week could reveal some new info that may cause you to think twice.


There’s a lot of electricity afoot this week with both Venus and Mars evoking a sense of airy uncertainty. An olive branch out of leftfield could take you by surprise early in the week. It’s touching, but remember, you don’t have to accept it. Your healing – and forgiveness – is your business. Next weekend, a serendipitous message or intuitive ping will help you make better sense of where things are at.