Photo: @noor_albasri Instagram

Famous for its pearls, rich culture and heritage, Bahrain has a thriving economy and rich history. Part of the population includes fashionistas who know their stuff when it comes to fashion and trends. From modest fits to the cool girl aesthetic and everything in between, there are so many underrated Bahraini fashion creators. With a fashion scene that is on the rise, below, GRAZIA tells you which Bahraini fashion creators to follow.

Amali Al Aradi

Bahraini fashion creators
Photo: @amalimua Instagram

Amali Al Aradi is a Bahraini fashion creator who knows how to flawlessly incorporate vibrant colours into her wardrobe. Her style consists of elevated modest fits. And better yet, she knows exactly how to perfectly accessorize all of her outfits.

Dana Al Khalifa

Photo: @theoverdressed Instagram

Dana Al Khalifa also known as @theoverdressed on Instagram, is a Bahraini fashion creator who seamlessly blends a luxe lifestyle that includes traveling, showrooms and events with even more luxurious fits. Frequently donning elegant accessories, it is no surprise that she specializes in luxury consulting and curating.

Kami Shams

Photo: @kami__shams Instagram

Kami Shams is a Bahrain-based fashion creator who gives a whole new meaning to the cool girl aesthetic. Her style has range from casual fits to more elevated looks and she brings it all together with sleek hairdos and flawless makeup. Aside from her top-notch Instagram feed game, she is also a model.

Nayla Janahi

Photo: @nayla.janahi Instagram

Nayla Janahi is a Bahraini TV presenter and fashion creator who leads a jet-set lifestyle with perfectly curated outfits to match any occasion. From holiday dressing to more formal fits, her Instagram feed will give you outfit inspo for multiple occasions.

Noor Albasri

Photo: @noor_albasri Instagram

Noor Albasri is a Bahraini fashion creator and radio presenter. She is also the queen of neutral-toned outfits. Her Instagram feed is straight out of a Pinterest board, with nail inspo, accessories and outfit pics. It’s time to tap that follow button.