Spice Up Your Weight Loss: Shedding 2kg in 3 Months

A study unveils surprising benefits of a spice for weight loss and waistline reduction.

5 Toxic Relationship Behaviors to Watch Out For

Before you get too deep, watch out for these toxic relationship behaviors. Ignoring them could cost you more than just heartache.

Try Finger Breathing to Fall Asleep Quickly

To fall asleep quickly and sleep well, try Finger Breathing, a form of self-hypnosis that combines movement and breath.

Recognize a Magnesium Deficiency (and Remedy It)

Magnesium deficiency can have serious consequences on our overall well-being. Here's what causes it and tips to prevent it.

The Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout: Training in Zone 2

The best workout for weight loss and improving physical performance? Easy, just train "in zone 2". Here's what it means.

Game Changers: Lauren Berlingeri

How the HigherDOSE co-founder helped bring the infrared craze to the United States

Game Changers: Melissa Gellman Weiss

Because health is wealth

10 Effortless Organization Tricks for a Tidy House

Dreaming of having a house that stays tidy? There are some organizing tricks that, once implemented, allow you to enjoy long-term benefits.