The Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout: Training in Zone 2

The best workout for weight loss and improving physical performance? Easy, just train "in zone 2". Here's what it means.

Bread & Weight Loss: Dietitian’s Tips for Bread Lovers

Is it possible to lose weight while enjoying bread? Dietitian responds.

Green Juice: A Weight Loss Wonder or a Phony Trend?

Now that we've discussed green smoothies, let's talk about green juices. How effective are they as weight loss allies?

Shed Weight Sans Diet: A Nutritionist’s 10kg Shedding Victory

Thanks to this advice from the nutritionist, you can lose weight steadily without needing a strict diet.

New Study Confirms Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Unlocking the Potential: Intermittent Fasting's Impact on Health Confirmed by Latest Research

How Many Times per Week Should You Eat Legumes?

Versatile and full of benefits, but how many times a week should you eat legumes? Here's the answer from trusted nutritionists.

Flat Belly and Food: Plan Your Plate for a Flat Stomach

Transforming your dinner plate could be your secret weapon in the quest for a flat belly.

Weight Loss-Friendly Pastries: Indulge While Staying Fit!

Think you can't indulge in a sweet pastry during your fitness journey? Think again!