Desk Yoga: 8 Simple Exercises to Do Every Day

Easy yoga movements to perform at your desk in just five minutes to alleviate stress (and pain) from work.

Inulin: The Key to Gut Health

Promotes gut balance and good mood. Here's what to eat to get plenty of inulin.

Game Changers: Lauren Berlingeri

How the HigherDOSE co-founder helped bring the infrared craze to the United States

Game Changers: Melissa Gellman Weiss

Because health is wealth

Bloated Stomach? 8 Possible Causes (and Solutions)

Do you often feel bloated? Pay attention to potential causes and don't underestimate the issue.

Why You Should Add Fresh Fruit to Your Breakfast

Eating fresh fruit for breakfast has multiple benefits: from an energy boost to a stronger immune system, here's what they are.

Black Beans: Your Daily Dose of Serotonin for a Brighter Mood

Yes, the secret to joy also lies in the stomach. We found the food that'll keep you smiling all day.

TikTok Cucumber Salad Recipe: A Viral Beauty Boost

When we think of winter culinary treats, our minds often wander to the hearty, warmth dishes that comfort our souls. However, TikTok, the ever-persistent trendsetter, is flipping the script, inviting us to swap those raclette nights for vibrant salad nights.