Ditch the nightstand water! Here's why.
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Having a bedside glass of water might sound handy, but it’s really not great for your health. According to Healthline, leaving water out uncovered can lead to some grim outcomes. Germs and bacteria from the air can easily make their way into your glass. And that’s not all – insects and dust can end up in there too, making it far from hygienic.

Moreover, stagnant water at room temperature creates a welcoming environment for certain types of bacteria. Although most of these bacteria aren’t harmful, there’s always a risk, especially if the glass wasn’t squeaky clean to begin with. And let’s not forget: over time, the taste of the water can change. Uncovered water can absorb odors from the room, altering its taste. Whether it’s cleaning products, perfumes, or even bodily fumes, they all have a way of getting into your glass.

Beware of Disasters

It’s not just about germs. A bedside glass of water can spell disaster for your electronics. Think about it: your phone, laptop, or e-reader usually find their home on your nightstand. A simple toss and turn can easily knock over the glass, leading to spilled water and potentially damaged gadgets.

Spilled water can be a real pain, ruining books, personal items, and creating an uninviting mess. Plus, in hot and humid conditions, stagnant water attracts mosquitoes. They breed in the water, increasing the chances of bites and general annoyance.

Interestingly, some cultures even believe that stagnant water can attract negative energies or spirits. While this hasn’t been scientifically proven, it does give you one more reason to ditch that bedside glass of water.

Safer Alternatives to a Bedside Glass of Water

If you like to have water on hand during the night, consider these alternatives:

  • Closed Water Bottle: Use a water bottle with a secure cap to keep the water clean and fresh.
  • Covered Glass: A glass with a cover can help reduce dust and contaminants.
  • Carafe with an Inverted Glass: Carafes that come with an inverted glass on top offer a more hygienic solution.

By adopting these practices, you can ensure that you have clean, fresh water available without the risks associated with an open glass on your bedside table.

**Voici pourquoi vous ne devez surtout pas laisser un verre d’eau sur votre table de chevet**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Manuella Kiala