Anti-aging moisturizers are a must-have to hydrate and protect.
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Are you starting to notice the first signs of aging creeping in? Fear not! There are plenty of ways to combat those pesky lines. From Q10-based creams to botox and even skin-friendly foods, the options are endless. But before you dive into these treatments, let’s talk about the essentials: protecting your skin from UV rays. UV exposure speeds up the aging process and brings out those unwelcome brown spots. Beyond sun protection, keeping your skin hydrated is a must.

Moisturize and Protect With an Anti-Aging Moisturizer

No matter how dedicated (or lazy) you are about your skincare routine, you probably have a moisturizer stashed somewhere. Moisturizers help your skin retain moisture, combat dryness, and fend off environmental irritants. They also reduce age-related dryness. However, as Dr. Jimmy Mohamed says: “The best anti-wrinkle product is actually sunscreen.”

Dr. Mohamed backs his statement with a study: Researchers gathered people under 55 and split them into two groups. One group applied SPF 15 sunscreen every morning, while the other went without it. Researchers examined the skin on each participant’s back, hand, and neck at the beginning and end of the study.

Choose a Day Cream With SPF for Year-round Protection

The study results were eye-opening. UV protection is vital for maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness. Those who used sunscreen daily saw a 25% reduction in signs of skin aging. So, no matter the season, sunscreen is your non-negotiable. To simplify your routine, opt for a day cream with built-in sun protection. A moisturizing cream with SPF 30 to 50 will keep your skin hydrated and shielded from harmful UV rays.

In a nutshell, integrating an anti-aging moisturizer with SPF into your daily routine isn’t just a good idea; it’s a game-changer. So, what are you waiting for? Go grab that little bottle of magic and let it work wonders on your skin!

**Cette crème hydratante est la meilleure option quand on veut retarder l’apparition des rides**

This article first appeared on – Author: Dallo Dramé