
Taylor Swift’s diet is much more lenient than you might think. And her fun workout is worth replicating. After all, anyone who claims not to love Taylor Swift is lying – and she deserves all the success she has.

The American singer is one of the most well-known (and followed) celebrities of recent times. Her Eras Tour is considered one of the most popular and profitable ever, and her love story with American football star Travis Kelce has driven fans wild.

As if all this weren’t enough, Taylor Swift was also named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2023, and some want to see her at the White House after the presidential elections in America.

But with all the commitments she has, how does the singer stay in shape?

When it comes to her well-being, Taylor Swift seems to have mastered the art of balance. Here’s what Taylor Swift’s diet and fitness routine consist of.

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Taylor Swift’s Diet and Workouts


How She Trains

“I knew this tour would be more challenging than anything I’d ever done before,” she admitted in the Time interview. “Finally, for the first time, I prepared physically.”

The singer revealed that, six months before her first show, she started running on the treadmill daily.

“Every day I ran on the treadmill, singing the entire concert set list at the top of my lungs. A steady pace for fast songs and a slow run or brisk walk for slow songs.” This type of cardiovascular training helps burn calories, improve endurance, and keep the heart healthy.

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In addition to cardio activity, Taylor Swift incorporates strength training sessions into her routine, typically consisting of exercises with free weights, gym machines, and bodyweight resistance exercises like push-ups, squats, and planks.

To prepare for the Eras Tour, the singer also took dance lessons for three months. She had previously admitted that learning choreography was not her strong suit, but she dedicated herself to rehearsals so she could “joke with the fans without missing a dance step.”

Taylor Swift’s Diet

Taylor Swift is not a fan of fad diets or miracle remedies. Her philosophy is based on balance and moderation. During the week, she follows a healthy and nutritious menu, but when the weekend comes, she indulges in some extra treats without feeling guilty.

Don’t believe it? She said it herself in an old interview, stating: “I try to maintain a light diet, but I don’t impose too strict rules on myself. I believe we know what’s best for our bodies through common sense.”

In preparation for her Eras Tour, the singer decided to cut alcohol from her diet, quitting drinking for months before the show, except for the night of the Grammys.

But Taylor never leaves home without a water bottle.

“I have so much water in my dressing room because I drink, like, ten water bottles a day,” she revealed in the interview. “I drink so much water that my friends call me an alien.”

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This article first appeared on Grazia