This Trooping the Color moment proved that Kate Middleton's both a devoted mother and a resilient fighter.
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The much-anticipated return of Kate Middleton took place this Saturday, June 15, 2024, as she joined King Charles III to celebrate the Trooping the Color at Buckingham Palace. This moment was significant. Kate has been battling cancer for several months, so her attendance was uncertain. The mother of three had not made a public appearance for weeks.

However, Prince William’s wife showed up, radiant and cheerful. Seeing her brought immense joy to Brits everywhere. Her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and the ever-spirited Prince Louis, were also present. Of course, these young royals follow strict instructions.

Kate Middleton Seen Parenting During Trooping the Color

According to lip-reading expert Nicola Hickling, who chatted with the Daily Mirror, the kids received clear directives from Kate Middleton. While watching the military spectacle from Buckingham Palace, Kate firmly reminded her children to stay focused. Princess Charlotte, echoing her mom’s sentiment, walked over to her dancing brother, Prince Louis, and said, “You have to stop doing that. Watch the parade.”

Not one for immediate compliance, the strong-willed Prince Louis replied defiantly, “I won’t do it.” Ever the diligent daughter, Princess Charlotte retorted, “Do what you are told.” Later, when an impatient Louis asked, “Can I play with these pearls?” Kate firmly denied his request with a simple, “No. I need you to concentrate on the parade.”

Prince Louis’ Antics

Even with her firm hand, Kate Middleton showed her soft side by inquiring if he enjoyed the event. Louis happily replied, “It was so much fun.” These exchanges illustrate the stringent protocols royal children must follow, but also highlight the parenting challenges Kate faces.

In sum, the Trooping the Color event not only marked Kate Middleton’s brave return but also showcased a day filled with royal tradition, cheerful reunions, and parental guidance. It’s clear that even the royals aren’t immune to the ups and downs of family life.

**Kate Middleton, de retour : la princesse de Galles réprimande son fils, le prince Louis**

This article first appeared on – Author: Laura D’angelo