A doctor reveals the 3 most effective treatments to effectively tighten pores.
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Pores can be pretty troublesome. Sure, they’re crucial for skin health, allowing sweat and sebum to escape, but when they dilate, they’re all you see! Large, visible pores often result from excess oil, pollution, or sun exposure, making your skin look and feel less than perfect.

However, fear not! Tightening those pores back up isn’t just a dream. Dr. Amel Korchi, a trusted general practitioner, shares three powerful treatments on her TikTok account to help achieve that desired smooth complexion.

Niacinamide: A Skincare Hero for Pore Refinement

Dr. Korchi advocates for making niacinamide a staple in your skincare routine. “Incorporate niacinamide twice a day and don’t forget to moisturize; it boosts collagen and enhances the texture of your skin,” she advises. This powerhouse ingredient doesn’t just play well with others; it regulates sebum production, minimizes pores, reduces blemishes, and stimulates cell renewal for firmer, brighter skin.

You can find niacinamide in various serums, toners, and creams—the real MVP in the skincare world.

Salicylic Acid: The Strong Arm for Enlarged Pores

Salicylic acid works wonders for more than just teen acne. It has a keratolytic action that washes off dead skin cells and tackles acne by slowing down the culprit microorganisms behind inflammatory reactions. More than just a tough guy, it also calms your skin, controls oil, fades blemishes, and yes, it helps tighten pores dramatically.

Dr. Korchi suggests using salicylic acid twice weekly to keep those pores in check. “It’s excellent for exfoliating dead cells and unclogging pores,” she notes. However, since it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, pairing it with a strong SPF is essential.

Aesthetic Medicine: Cutting-Edge Fixes to Tighten Pores

When topical treatments just don’t cut it, aesthetic procedures like microneedling or peels might be your golden ticket. Dr. Korchi highlights that microneedling can significantly reduce wrinkles and scars while enhancing your skin’s overall appearance.

Peels, on the other hand, take a more direct approach by removing dead skin cells professionally, paving the way for new, smoother skin to surface. These treatments are more invasive but offer dramatic results for those struggling with dilated pores.

So, if you’re battling with noticeable pores and yearn for smoother skin, these effective treatments to tighten pores just might be your new go-to solutions. Remember, consistency is key, and always consult with a dermatologist to tailor the best care routine for your skin type. Say goodbye to glaring pores and hello to flawless skin!

**Un Médecin Dévoile les 3 Soins les Plus Efficaces pour Resserrer Efficacement les Pores (Même les Plus Dilatés)**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Dallo Dramé