Suri Cruise's New Identity: A Symbol of Independence and Family Ties
Photo Credit: Abaca Press

She hasn’t seen her father in years. Now, she’s made a decision that speaks volumes.

Don’t call her Suri Cruise anymore.

At 18, Suri, daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has reportedly severed all ties with her famous father since their 2012 separation. Katie received sole custody, and the duo moved to New York, far from Tom’s homes in Florida and England. Tom, a major figure in the Church of Scientology, may have influenced this distance due to the church’s position on family estrangement. It’s worth noting that Tom has been paying $33,000 a month in child support for Suri, a sum he could have legally stopped when she turned 18. Yet, he continues covering Suri’s medical and university costs. That’s commendable.


However, the young woman seems to be asserting her independence and redefining her identity. According to Hello Magazine, Suri Cruise has changed her last name to signify her break from her father. The publication reveals that Suri, a student at a private New York school, recently performed in the musical “Head Over Heels,” playing the role of Philoclea. Surprisingly, she was billed as Suri Noelle—a name that carries her mother’s middle name, Noelle.

Could this be just a stage name, or is it something more profound?

Katie Holmes has always been protective of Suri, especially given her exposure to the limelight at such a young age. “What has been very important to me about my daughter being exposed at such a young age is that I really like to protect her. I am very happy to be a mother, to be her mother. She’s an incredible person,” Katie Holmes told Glamor in 2023.


Suri Cruise, or should we say Suri Noelle, seems to be forging her own path. Whether or not she’ll follow her parents into acting is still unknown, but her talents are undeniable. Katie Holmes has already featured her in the soundtracks of the last two films she directed, “Alone Together” and “Rare Objects,” showcasing Suri’s vocal prowess.


This name change could signify more than just a fresh start; it’s an assertion of her individuality and proof of a definitive break from Tom Cruise. As Suri steps into adulthood, she embraces her mother’s side more closely, symbolized by her adopting “Noelle.” Time will tell what the future holds for Suri Noelle, but one thing is clear—she’s taking control of her own narrative.

**Suri Cruise change de nom, preuve qu’elle a coupé les ponts avec son père**

This article first appeared on – Author: Jordane Guignon