Do these “Smart Names” include yours?
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Do you secretly feel like a hidden genius? Your first name might hold the answer, according to a study by EduBirdie. Researchers reviewed 900 first names of Mensa members, a global organization of high IQ individuals. They identified the most frequently appearing names to compile a list of the “smartest” people.

Intelligence: Is It Really In a Name?

So, what did the study reveal about names of intelligent people? Among women, the name Marie appeared frequently. No shocker here—Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist, springs to mind. Elisabeth, while less common in France, ranks high too. Think of icons like Queen Elizabeth II and actress Elizabeth Taylor, who both left a mark with their wit and brilliance.

For the guys, John or its French counterpart, Jean, took the top spot. Notables like Jean-Paul Sartre and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, both philosophical heavyweights, come to mind. Next up, Robert—while not as trendy today, this name has historically been linked with sharp-minded individuals. Maybe it’s time to revive the name Robert?

Discover the Smartest Female Names

  • Marie
  • Elizabeth
  • Helene
  • Suzanne
  • Barbara
  • Irene
  • Jane
  • Nadia

Discover the Smartest Male Names

  • John / Jean
  • Robert
  • Guillaume
  • James
  • Thomas
  • George
  • Richard
  • Charles
  • Carl
  • Paul
  • Michael

Now, before you start plotting a name change, let’s get real. A person’s first name has zero impact on their intelligence. Real smarts come from a blend of genetics, environment, education, and life experiences. Judging intelligence based on a name? It’s like trying to figure out the plot of a mystery novel from its cover—it just doesn’t work.

**Ces 20 prénoms sont ceux des personnes les plus intelligentes selon la science… Le vôtre y figure-t-il ?**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat