
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder. Many people don’t know that among its possible causes, besides stress, anxiety, or specific physical disorders, there is also a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in a wide range of biological processes within our body, playing a crucial role in the optimal functioning of the human body in many aspects, including sleep regulation.

The deficiency of this mineral in the body is a widespread and often overlooked problem, which can lead to a series of symptoms, including insomnia and restlessness during the night.

But let’s go step by step and examine the relationship between magnesium and sleep quality, the effect of its deficiency on our rest, and practical tips on how to remedy this situation to improve overall sleep quality.

Magnesium Deficiency and Insomnia: Causes and Remedies


How Magnesium Affects Sleep Quality

Magnesium is a fundamental mineral for our general well-being and plays a crucial role in sleep regulation. In particular, this element contributes to the regulation of muscle relaxation and nerve function, two essential components for promoting deep and restorative sleep.

One of the main ways magnesium influences sleep is its ability to reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, in the body. In this sense, a magnesium deficiency causes the body to increase cortisol levels, which in turn can lead to a higher state of mental alertness and more disturbed sleep.

Additionally, magnesium is involved in the regulation of neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which has a calming effect on the brain, facilitating rest.

Moreover, this essential mineral is crucial for the regulation of melatonin, which is fundamental for the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. Optimal levels of magnesium in the body can contribute to a balanced production of this hormone, promoting deeper and better quality sleep.


Sleep Disorders Caused by a Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can result from various factors that can influence our lifestyle and daily habits.

The main causes include a diet lacking in magnesium-rich foods, excessive alcohol and/or medication consumption, and specific medical conditions that can increase the body’s magnesium needs, making it harder to maintain an adequate balance.

Recognizing the deficiency of this essential mineral is as complex as it is important.

When specifically discussing sleep disorders, magnesium deficiency is recognized not only by symptoms such as insomnia and restlessness, but also by nighttime muscle cramps and difficulty relaxing before bed.

Additionally, more general symptoms such as fatigue and irritability can occur.

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How to Remedy the Problem

To combat this deficiency and improve sleep, there are several effective remedies.

First, it is possible to increase the intake of this mineral through daily nutrition, favoring foods rich in magnesium such as nuts and almonds, leafy green vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

Recognize a Magnesium Deficiency (and Remedy It)

Moreover, it is essential to reduce the intake of substances that can contribute to the loss of magnesium, such as alcohol, caffeine, and foods high in sugar.

Relaxation practices such as meditation or yoga can also help reduce stress and promote sleep, indirectly contributing to the body’s well-being.

Supplementing with magnesium supplements can be a quick and effective solution, but it is important to consult your doctor or a professional to determine the need and the most suitable dosage for your requirements.

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