The Mysterious Disappearance of Regé-Jean Page from Our Screens
Photo Credit: Photo by James Veysey/Shutterstock

In 2021, Regé-Jean Page’s name was on everyone’s lips. The world was captivated by his portrayal of the dashing Simon, Duke of Hastings, in Netflix’s hit series, The Bridgerton Chronicles. He became an overnight sensation, and let’s be honest, we all fell for his irresistible charm.

Regé-Jean Page: Has the Hype Faded?

After his stellar performance in Bridgerton, Hollywood rolled out the red carpet for Regé-Jean Page. Unsurprisingly, he left the show quickly, seizing bigger opportunities. Following the chronological structure of Julia Quinn’s books, Simon’s role would have been minor in subsequent seasons anyway.

The Mysterious Disappearance of Regé-Jean Page from Our Screens

In no time, Regé-Jean Page landed roles in two major films. First, he starred in “The Gray Man,” a Netflix production directed by the Russo brothers. This action-packed spy movie featured heavyweights like Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, and Ana de Armas. Although it premiered in July 2022, it didn’t quite make a mark in cinematic history.

Then came “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves,” an adaptation of the iconic game. This time, he shared the screen with Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and Hugh Grant. Released in April 2023, the film was enjoyable but didn’t quite hit the box office jackpot. Clearly, Regé-Jean’s presence alone wasn’t enough to guarantee blockbuster success.

An Actor in High Demand

So, what’s new for our friend Regé-Jean Page? Frankly, not much. There’s been no recent update on the reboot of “The Saint,” announced back in 2021, where he’s set to star as the mysterious Simon Templar. However, in November 2023, it was announced that Doug Liman would direct the film.

His name was also associated with a series project on Prime Video focusing on the legendary duo Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Regé-Jean was slated to play Cassidy, with Glenn Powell as Sundance. However, news on this project has also dried up.

In February 2024, Regé-Jean Page’s name popped up again, this time on the cast list for “Black Bag,” a spy thriller to be directed by Steven Soderbergh. He will join a prestigious lineup that includes Cate Blanchett, Michael Fassbender, Maria Abela, Naomie Harris, and Pierce Brosnan. Filming is scheduled for this summer in Europe.

And let’s not forget the endless James Bond rumors! His name frequently appears in the mix of potential Bonds, but so far, it’s just speculation.

What’s Up with Regé-Jean’s Personal Life?

In the realm of personal news, the Longines and Armani Code Parfum ambassador is still reportedly in a relationship with Emily Brown. This ultra-discreet couple was last spotted in September 2023 at the Venice Film Festival.

So, fans of Regé-Jean Page will need to exercise some patience before seeing him grace our screens again, big or small. But rest assured, whether he’s wielding a sword in a fantasy world or donning a tuxedo as a suave spy, Regé-Jean Page is sure to dazzle us once more.


**Regé-Jean Page a disparu des écrans… Que devient l’interprète de Simon dans La Chronique des Bridgerton ?**

This article first appeared on – Author: Jordane Guignon