Are night owls smarter? A study from London explains.
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Do you struggle with early bedtimes, often burning the midnight oil? Guess what? This might mean you’re smarter than average. But is being a night owl really a sign that you’re smarter?  A study by the London School of Economics tried to find out exactly that.

Researcher Satoshi Kanazawa found that those who stay up late tend to have higher IQs. He suggests that this trait is a natural predisposition handed down from our ancestors. Smarter kids are more likely to become adults who stay up late and prefer to sleep in, whether it’s a weekday or the weekend. Interestingly, night owls often find themselves more productive during the serenity of the nighttime hours.

Different Circadian Rhythms

Another study looked at the circadian rhythms of 1,000 teenagers. Those who stayed up late demonstrated better inductive reasoning, a primary indicator of intelligence. Smarter people tend to have different circadian rhythms, making them mentally active at night. Intellectual and creative activities stimulate them, extending their days well into the late hours.

“One theory is that intelligent people are night owls because, in ancestral times, nocturnal activity was novel and attracted curious minds,” Kanazawa explains. Another explanation revolves around the nature of their tasks. Brilliant minds often work on complex projects requiring prolonged, uninterrupted concentration, easier to achieve during the quiet of the night. Research shows that among those with an IQ above 125, a significant proportion are night owls. These little geniuses reach peak creativity and productivity during late hours, helped by the night’s calm environment, free of distractions.

Night Owls: Going to Bed Late and Waking Up Late

Being a night owl usually means being a late riser too. A study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences reveals that intelligent people often ignore their alarm clocks. Instead of sticking to traditional morning schedules, they prefer a longer sleep period aligned with their nighttime activity. This extra rest helps them sustain high cognitive performance throughout the day.

While staying up late offers benefits like increased creativity and better focus, don’t ignore the potential downsides. Irregular sleep cycles can lead to sleep disorders and affect both mental and physical health. So, while it’s cool to embrace your inner owl, make sure you find a balance that keeps you sharp and healthy.

**Voici l’habitude de vie qu’ont en commun les personnes les plus intelligentes selon une étude**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat