Expert Says: Avoid These Clothing Colors After 50 to Stay Youthful
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As we age, our skin tone changes, which means the colors that looked great in our 30s might age us in our 50s. With that in mind, some colors should be avoided while others should be embraced to maintain a youthful appearance. Let’s dive into the colors that aren’t recommended post-50 and the ones that can keep you looking fresh and youthful.

Choose Rejuvenating Clothing Colors

Choosing the right clothing colors can work wonders to rejuvenate your appearance. Opt for clothes that bring a sense of freshness and vibrancy. Navy blue and dark gray are timeless choices that flatter all ages and shapes. They add sophistication without overwhelming your complexion. Olive green and blue shades are consistently elegant and versatile, adding a touch of class to any outfit. Pale pink and light beige can brighten your complexion, giving a subtle but effective youthful glow.

Understanding colorimetry, the study of how colors impact our skin, is crucial. Colors like coral or terracotta can highlight the warmth in your complexion and add radiance. Shades of navy blue and pale pink can enhance freshness and luminosity on cooler skin tones.

What Clothing Colors to Avoid After 50?

Followed by a robust community of over 255k subscribers on her YouTube channel, Margaret Manning, who runs the blog and channel Sixty + Me, offers invaluable advice for women over 50. In one of her videos, she explains that skin tone inevitably changes with age. Generally, skin tends to become a bit redder due to increased visibility of blood vessels, making certain colors particularly challenging.

The Color to Avoid

Manning highlights that red is one of the most difficult colors for women over 50. “The same goes for pastels, which tend to blend with our skin,” states the expert. She advises favoring dark colors like black, dark blue, or burgundy for staple pieces. These colors offer a slimming effect and sophistication without clashing with the skin’s changing tones. “You can always accessorize with other colors but be very careful with reds and pastels,” she adds.

**Coup de vieux garanti avec cette couleur de vêtement, à bannir absolument après 50 ans d’après une experte**

This article first appeared on – Author: Louhann Mezaguer