Vitamin C: a great ally to boost hair growth .
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When we think about achieving lush, long locks, our minds often jump to hair supplements, serums, and concentrated treatments designed to boost growth. However, sometimes the secret to great hair might just be hiding in our kitchen pantry or even in our skincare routine.

According to dermatologist Dr. Charles, we can even repurpose facial skincare products for our hair. On his TikTok, he shares how applying one of these products not only helps prevent hair loss but also stimulates hair growth.

Why do we lose hair, and what can we do about it?

It’s totally normal to shed a bit of hair every day, but when you start losing clumps, it’s time to play detective and figure out why. Causes can range from seasonal changes and nutritional deficiencies to more profound hormonal upheavals. If it’s something medical, definitely see a health professional. But if it’s just stress or fatigue, you might get away with some old-school home remedies or over-the-counter solutions.

Natural products from our kitchens have long been celebrated for enhancing hair health, but less known are the skin care products that pack a punch for hair vitality. Dr. Charles points out, “You probably already have what you need in your bathroom cabinet to boost your hair health and strength.”

Recently, ingredients like hyaluronic acid have been praised for deep scalp hydration and healthier hair. Now, it’s time for Vitamin C to shine as a formidable ally for hair growth. This powerhouse ingredient goes beyond just benefiting the skin. It is an underrated champion for your hair!

Vitamin C fights free radicals, preventing damage and weakening of hair. Also, it activates the micro-circulation in the scalp, which revitalizes the hair follicles and kickstarts growth. In addition, it tackles split ends and helps prevent other breakage issues, further aiding in hair growth.

The benefits of Vitamin C don’t stop there—it also boosts collagen production, which is crucial for hair growth. Moreover, it strengthens hair, shielding it from environmental stressors such as seasonal changes, stress, medical treatments, and harsh chemicals. Ultimately, it rejuvenates your hair, making it more resilient.

How should you use Vitamin C on your hair?

Like many hair care essentials, Vitamin C can be applied in various forms. You can apply it directly to the roots or incorporate it into a hair mask. Simply add it to a ready-made mask or use a product that’s rich in Vitamin C and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing.

For daily care, opt for a Vitamin C-based serum—yes, the very same one you might already be using for your skin! Apply it directly to the roots for best results.

Have you tried using Vitamin C on your hair yet? If not, considering the benefits, it might just be time to start!

**Un Dermatologue Dévoile une Astuce Simple et Étonnante pour Stimuler la Pousse des Cheveux**

This article first appeared on – Author: Dallo Dramé