The "death bed" in Feng Shui: to be avoided at all costs, this fatal position can ruin all your nights.
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Struggling to fall asleep and experiencing restless nights? The lack of Feng Shui in your bedroom might be the culprit!

Some rational minds may find it challenging to embrace this Chinese philosophy that promotes optimizing the energy flow, or “chi,” in a space. However, many believe it can genuinely enhance our daily lives.

Regarding sleep, Feng Shui principles suggest that the placement of our bed should not be random. This placement can significantly impact the quality of our sleep, our health, and our overall well-being.

The bed is regarded as the most crucial element of our bedroom, where we rest and rejuvenate. According to Feng Shui, it should be positioned with great care. In addition, the goal is to avoid aligning the bed with a door.

Is Your Bed the Reason for Your Poor Night’s Sleep?

Presse Santé states that Feng Shui defines a “death bed” as sleeping with your feet pointing toward the bedroom door. In Chinese culture, the deceased are traditionally carried out feet first through the door. This marks the setup as a bad omen that disrupts energy circulation in the room and hinders a good night’s sleep.

Additionally, sleeping with your feet towards the door can cause unconscious instability and discomfort, making relaxation difficult and impacting mood and productivity upon waking.

How to Arrange Your Bedroom to Avoid the Death Bed?

To ensure optimal energy circulation in the bedroom, position the bed in the “commanding” area of the room. Moreover, you should see the bedroom door from your bed without being directly in line with it.

Ideally, position your bed with a solid wall behind it and avoid placing it under a window or beam. Additionally, ensure your bed is not near the doors to the bathroom or kitchen to maintain positive energies and avoid the death bed.

Additionally, do not place heavy or sharp objects above your bed, as they can generate negative pressure. Keep your bedroom tidy, avoid stacking items under your bed, choose furniture and decor with rounded shapes, and prefer soothing colors over bright and stimulating shades.

**Le “Lit de la Mort” : À Éviter Absolument, Cette Position Fatale Peut Ruiner Toutes Vos Nuits**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat