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What if our morning coffee tells us a lot about us?

Thanks to a survey conducted among 2000 customers in England, and reported by several British media outlets including the Daily Mail, Dunkin’ Donuts concluded that our coffee preferences can be very revealing about our personality. But, take this with a grain of salt, for it’s not the most scientific study ever.

To establish their conclusions, Dunkin’ Donuts asked their customers to choose from a list of adjectives that best described them, and then compared it to their usual coffee order.

Skilled in bed? Intelligent? Fun? What our morning coffee says about us:

The results are subjective and reveal more about how we see ourselves, but they are clearly as interesting as they are amusing!

According to this study, those who think they’re sexy prefer mocha. About 20% claiming to have sex appeal say they enjoy chocolate in their coffee. However, for an unforgettable night of passion, you should set your sights on iced coffee lovers instead. They are apparently the best lovers (well, that’s what they believe). Indeed, 24% of them claim to be skilled in bed. Meanwhile, espresso rhymes with brainy. Espresso drinkers are more likely to have a diploma, and double espresso drinkers see themselves as cultured and keen travelers. 

Cappuccino lovers are those most satisfied with their lives. And those addicted to Americano, meaning an elongated coffee, are the ones who feel best about themselves. If you prefer White Americano, espresso diluted with a touch of milk, you’re a hard worker and speak your mind. Among latte drinkers, 26% describe themselves as people-pleasers. Finally, for those who enjoy flavored coffees (hazelnut coffee, caramel latte), 44% describe themselves as happy and 40% as hilarious. Those who are least humorous are customers enjoying their coffee with non-dairy alternatives (almond milk, soy), who consider themselves moralistic and introverted.