Here are 5 anti-inflammatory foods to add to your menu for better health.
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As food trends evolve, anti-inflammatory foods have emerged as a prominent choice in the culinary landscape. These nutrient-rich foods are known for their ability to reduce inflammation in the body, offering benefits like glowing skin and improved overall health.

Explore how incorporating these superfoods can positively transform your daily life.

Why Opt for Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

Chronic inflammation is often the root of many health issues, ranging from joint pain to acne and digestive disorders. According to Sophie Janvier, a dietitian-nutritionist and health columnist for Vogue UK, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can offer “more vitality, better digestive comfort, fewer joint pains, more stable blood sugar levels, and maintaining a healthy weight.”

Boost Your Wellness: Essential Foods to Enhance Your Plate and Health

Almonds and other nuts are true nutritional treasures. Rich in fiber, plant-based protein, minerals, and antioxidants, they also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are often lacking in our diet. These Omega-3s promote the production of anti-inflammatory substances beneficial for the heart, skin, brain, and joints.

For optimal effectiveness, pair them with fatty fish like salmon or mackerel, which are rich in another form of Omega-3.

These small berries are packed with antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, which combat oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions. By consuming blueberries, raspberries, or currants, you provide your body with powerful weapons against aging and inflammation.

Known as the new quinoa, buckwheat is an ancient grain rich in fiber, antioxidants, plant-based protein, and gluten-free. The fibers nourish the good bacteria in our microbiome, which then produce anti-inflammatory substances. Additionally, its low glycemic index makes it an excellent alternative to rice or pasta.

This fermented drink is full of natural probiotics, the good bacteria that enrich our microbiome. A healthy microbiome improves digestion, boosts immunity, promotes healthy skin, and supports good mental health. By consuming kefir, you help prevent inflammation by maintaining the balance of your microbiome.

85% Dark Chocolate
Ending on a sweet note, dark chocolate rich in cocoa is a true wonder for health. With its antioxidants, minerals, fibers, and theobromine, it has anti-inflammatory properties. Choose chocolate containing at least 85% cocoa to enjoy its benefits without the drawbacks of sugar. Just four squares a day are enough to savor its advantages while avoiding inflammation.

**Selon une Nutritionniste, Voici les 5 Aliments Anti-inflammatoires à Mettre au Menu pour une Meilleure Santé**

This article first appeared on – Author: Louhann Mezaguer