Michelle Obama Podcast
Image credit: Getty Images

Michelle Obama has further proven she is the queen of all that’s good with the announcement she’s launching a podcast.

The former first lady will host The Michelle Obama Podcast exclusively on Spotify as part of her and Barack Obama’s Higher Ground production company. Set for release July 29, the podcast is set to hold up candid conversations between Obama and those close to her (including her family, friends and mentors), exploring topics including relationships, health, parenting, personal growth and professional endeavours.

“What I love about these conversations is that they’re issues we’re all dealing with every day––and they can take on new meaning when we’re going through a global pandemic or seeking out long-overdue racial justice in our communities,” Obama said on her Instagram account, before adding, “My hope is that this series can be a place to explore meaningful topics together and sort through so many of the questions we’re all trying to answer in our own lives.”

According to Time, upcoming guests will include talkshow host Conan O’Brien and Valerie Jarrett, business woman and former senior advisor to Barack Obama. Safe to say our ears are ready, and quite frankly, the timing couldn’t be better.

See the video teaser clip here: 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwclrGhSb_I&w=853&h=480]