When it comes to skin treatments, finding what actually works can be an arduous process. With so many different options on the market, trying to distinguish between the effective and ineffective can be a disappointing and (often costly) exercise, but the good news is that there are treatment options out there that can make a major difference to your skin.

Enter Laser Clinics Australia, purveyor of innovative beauty solutions, to deliver flawless skin in a flash with their revolutionary BBL Hero treatments. Say goodbye to a lack of results and wasted time, courtesy of the world’s most powerful pulse light treatment. BBL Hero has been the treatment on everyone’s lips since it launched at Laser Clinics Australia in 2021, but how does it work? And who are the BBL Hero treatments best suited to?

Read on for GRAZIA‘s ultimate guide to BBL Hero treatments.

What is BBL Hero?

BBL Hero is Laser Clinics Australia’s latest multi-purpose beauty treatment, a revolutionary new pulsed light treatment that’s the most powerful of its kind on the market. Developed by Sciton, the world’s leader in premium aesthetic light technology, the treatment utilises light energy to efficiently and gently heat the upper layers of the skin.

Credit: Laser Clinics Australia

A High Energy Rapid Output BroadBand Light is absorbed by targeted areas of the skin, allowing for the quick reduction of a number of skin conditions, including pigmentation, sun spots and facial vascular concerns, such as bruises and broken capillaries. BBL Hero offers four distinctive treatment options that each target particular concerns, with minimal downtime and visible results in just one week.

Who is BBL Hero best suited to?

Thanks to BBL Hero’s versatile treatment options, the process can be beneficial to combat a wide range of skin concerns. It’s comfortable, fast and delivers rapid results, making BBL Hero an enticing option for most skin types. Not sure which BBL Hero treatment is right for you? We’ve broken down each option to help you harness the future of beauty with BBL Hero.

If you want to treat pigmentation or rosacea

Try: BBL Forever Flawless

BBL Forever Flawless is a fantastic treatment option if you’re dealing with freckles, pigmentation or rosacea. The rich thermal energy emitted from the BBL Hero technology targets melanin in the skin, reducing the appearance of unwanted pigmentation in your complexion. BBL Forever Flawless can also address a variety of vascular concerns, treating the fine facial vessels that can create redness and flushing in the skin. Final results can be seen after three to four sessions, but your skin will look softer, smoother and more radiant and even in tone after just one session.

If you want to slow down skin ageing

Try: BBL Forever Young

If fine lines and wrinkles are your biggest concern, BBL Forever Young provides a non-invasive alternative to surgery and injectables. The treatment allows you to press pause on skin ageing, sending light deep into the layers of the skin to rejuvenate and boost your body’s inherent ability to combat ageing. The process has been clinically proven to make the aged skin look younger and healthier, while also working to prevent further signs of ageing. For best results, two treatments are recommended per year.

Credit: Instagram/@laserclinicsaustralia

If you want to clear acne and heal the skin

Try: BBL Forever Clear

Anyone who’s contended with skin inflamed by acne will attest that it can be particularly tough to treat, which is why BBL Forever Clear is so impressive. This cutting-edge acne treatment delivers clear and healthy skin in a flash thanks to the power of light, comfortably and effectively calming  the skin without the need for creams or medicine. Utilising a combination of three different lights – Yellow, Blue and infrared – BBL Forever Clear helps to heal the skin, killing acne-inducing bacteria, calming post-inflammatory pigmentation and boosting collagen production to minimise scarring. The number of treatments you’ll need will vary, but there’s zero downtime required.

BEFORE & AFTER: BBL Forever Clear. Credit: Laser Clinics Australia

If you want to tighten the skin

Try: Skin Tyte

As we age, our skin’s natural elasticity begins to deplete, which tends to result in a loss of youthful firmness – particularly around the jawline and neck areas. Skin Tyte uses infrared light therapy to tighten the skin on any area of the body without the need for surgery, helping to reduce sagging skin with gentle, rapid pulses of light. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process, prompting a firmer and tighter appearance to the skin. The number of sessions you’ll require is contingent upon the area of the body that you’d like to treat, but results will be noticeable in as little as two weeks.

BEFORE & AFTER: Skin Tyte Credit: Laser Clinics Australia

Book your BBL Hero treatment online with Laser Clinics Australia here