When it comes to travel, we usually look to high-flying celebrities for advice. They do spent equal amounts of time in the sky as on the ground, forever flying from continent to continent, capital to capital, pedalling a new perfume, or film, or making their way to a European port to board a super yacht. So when Victoria Beckham shares her in-flight beauty routine, you listen. She would know the inside of a Boeing (or Gulfstream, the Beckham’s likely fly private) better than anyone else, and always steps off the plane looking annoyingly fresh (big black shades in tow).

First things first, a cleanser. We all know long-haul can wreak havoc on the skin; being airborne with 300 others isn’t exactly a lesson in hygiene. There’s sniffly children. Coughing corporates. Hungover teens (or 30-somethings, cough, cough). So the first thing you want to do is slather yourself in soap and slough away any mere particle which has stuck to your skin. Beck’s is the same. “So when I’m travelling, I love this Dr. Barbara Sturm Cleanser,” she says on Instagram. “It gets nice and foamy and comes in this nice little travel size so it’s perfect to use on the plane.” We know Beckham is a huge Sturm devotee, so her cleanser of choice and “favourite face wash” comes as no surprise.

But what was interesting, was her hair straightener. Yes, hair straightener. Last time we checked, you couldn’t plug your GHD into the side of the Airbus a380 on your way to the Greek Islands, so Beckham’s post initially had us stumped. “I have been looking for the perfect hair straighteners you can use onboard that you don’t need to plug in that get nice and hot,” she explains. A hair straightener you don’t need to plug in? Do go on! “So before I get off a flight I can straighten the little bits of my hair, but most of them don’t get so hot, but I have found these Balmain Hair Straighteners that come in this really nice little bag which I think is going to be a life changer – no more frizzy hair when I get off a plane!” Here, here, Victoria. A cordless and most importantly efficient hair straightener to keep those pesky mid-flight flyaways at bay.

As for scent (very important mid and post-flight), Beckham’s favourite, Vilhelm Parfumerie, has been shrunk to security-screening level. “This is my favourite fragrance and I’m so excited it now comes in a cute little travel bottle!”

Bend your travel beauty like Beckham.

shop Beck’s travel beauty

DR. BARBARA STURM Sturm Discovery Set, $166.
shop now

BALMAIN PARIS HAIR COUTURE Universal Cordless Straightener, $573.65. shop now

Vilhelm Parfumerie Moon Carnival Travel Spray, $120. shop now