If there’s one thing to get you through quarantine it’s this: Jane Fonda on TikTok doing ’80s aerobics and preaching about climate change. Yes, the 82-year-old actress, activist and modern Gaia joined TikTok over the weekend with her first-ever video a throwback to the aerobics workouts she made so famous in the 80s.

After calling it “the TikTok” (bless), she opened the video by saying: “My name is Jane Fonda and I’m going to bring back the Jane Fonda Workout”, adding a hilarious “Google me” caption for the millennials playing at home. A quick flash to original footage of a young Fonda doing her famous “chicken arms” followed, then it was back to her Persian rug where the 82-year-old actress lay on the floor doing a series of leg lifts and looking not much different (if not better!) than her younger self.

But the workout was cut short, segueing from a leotard and lycra-clad Fonda to a glammed-up Fonda in atomic orange coat and lipstick, imploring her audience to “work out with me for the planet” instead.

“You know what? There are too many workouts happening right now on television and on computers,” she said in a powerful piece-to-camera. “What I would really like you to do is work out with me for the planet. There’s a climate crisis that’s a real emergency, and so whether you’re on your couch or your yoga mat, will you join me for the virtual Fire Drill Fridays? The future needs you. I need you.”

She captioned her TikTok video on Instagram with another call to action, urging everyone to join her for a virtual #FireDrillFriday by registering at the link in her bio.

“Join me for a Virtual @firedrillfriday !!! Join our virtual #FireDrillFriday🔥 this Friday at 11am PT / 2pm ET to to keep the pressure on politicians to adopt a #GreenNewDeal, end new fossil fuels, and enact a just transition to a renewable economy that protects workers and communities. Let’s tackle the climate crisis while we #StayHome.”

A retro Jane Fonda Workout, a shoutout to stay home and climate change advocacy – we could not love her anymore.

Tile and Cover Image: Pinterest