Art: Kimberlee Kessler

The upswing of energy continues this week with a grounded new moon in Virgo inviting you to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

With mercury still retrograde it’s there’s still a ‘test and learn’ kinda feel to proceedings but, if you’ve been holding back from having a crack at something, it’s time to put hesitation to bed. Don’t expect perfection from your first swing; every first draft needs work. Starting exactly where you are is all you need to do.

With Jupiter, the planet synonymous with abundance and Uranus, the planet of surprises helping out starting something new should feel surprisingly satisfying.

Virgo energy is all about making small but meaningful changes so don’t fret if your project seems a little on the practical side. It’s those exact tweaks – like remembering your reusable coffee cup or bringing your lunch –  that actually moves the dial.

Hot tip: I always recommend you read your rising sign for the most resonant advice. If you don’t know it, you can work it out by casting your chart here. Want to learn more? Pick up a copy of my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee


Where are the holes in your boat, metaphorically speaking? By now, Mercury retrograde should have done a pretty solid job at showing you all the places you’re overcommitting and underdelivering. So this week, your challenge is to consider what little tweaks you could make to help you manage your time better. More self-care, less rushing; more gym time, less wine time. It doesn’t have to be boring. Improve the experience by lashing out on some new gym kit to help kickstart your new regime.


What’s your favourite way to switch off? This Mercury retrograde has been highlighting all the ways you like to let off steam – including the not so healthy ones. If you’ve been getting the guilts about wine/shopping/sugar, consider turning over a new leaf with this new moon. It doesn’t have to be a dramatic “never again” pledge, but set a goal that’s small yet achievable. Treat yourself to something healthy as a way to mark your fresh start.


The big reframe that’s been unfolding around where you’re living or maybe even a bone of contention with your family comes to a head this week. Gift yourself some time away from the situation – metaphorically and literally – to get some perspective. Go stay with a girlfriend for a night or two or check in to a hotel for a solo staycation. The new moon on Thursday gives you the greenlight to reset the situation. Wherever you land, it’s not likely to be the final, final solution, so don’t fret about getting it perfect right now.


The way you express yourself has been under the microscope the past few weeks, and chances are you’ve had more than a few “learning opportunities” (read: headaches) to reflect on the power of your words. Don’t let the hijinks go to waste, look for the deeper lesson and let it inform your intentions come the new moon. The way you communicate, especially with siblings (if you’ve got them), could do with a little glow up. Experiment with a new tact, and be open to it working.


Hey money bags, is it time you cooled your jets? Hot on the heels of that Venus retrograde that may have emboldened you to lash out on all the new FUN makeup/clothes/shoes, this week you’re cordially invited to come back down to earth. Chances are you already know it’s time for a cash reset, so this week start your engines – or at least your Raiz account – and begin a new regime of (slightly) better financial hygiene. From little things, big things grow.


Great news for Virgos this week: scatterbrain mode will be officially switched off…but not until Saturday. In the meantime, do a little experiment and make a list of all the things you’ve gotten wrong or accidentally forgotten this week. If you dig a little deeper there’s likely some interesting insights around what your subconscious doesn’t have room for. Reframe your crossed wires as a opportunities to investigate whether, deep down, you might actually not want to be involved.


Earth to Libra! If you’ve been spaced out, tapped out or tuckered out rest assured the season of ‘blegh’ is about to lighten. All the soul searching and subliminal messages that have been rumbling below the surface burst through like shoots sprouting up through the soil this week. Don’t expect miracles. This is not a week where The Perfect Solution (with a capital T, P, S) is going to emerge fully formed. Instead, be kind to the little seedlings. The ideas or downloads aren’t fully formed, and will require more work and refinement, they offer genuine potential.


It’s time to cut your losses and call a truce. If friends or chosen family have been driving you up the wall lately, consider this week your sign from the sky that agreeing to disagree is the only way forward. With the new moon on Thursday giving you the nudge you need to get over it, agreeing for forgive (but not forget) is a sensible game plan. With Mercury not direct until the weekend, don’t expect the new dynamic to be perfect from the get go. These things take time, but with a little bit of TLC they can regrow.


The tango you’ve been dancing around a big career decision takes a significant turn this week, with the new moon setting the scene for a new direction. It won’t be dramatic in the sense that things happen quickly or with a sense of finality. Manage your expectations. Expect a little back and forth, but trust that things are moving, and moving in the right direction (even if there is a bit of back and forth). Take the leap and say “yes” on Thursday, and trust that by next Monday you should have a little more momentum.


There’s nothing like a retrograde to highlight the weak spots in your strategy. So this week, ask yourself, where have your grand plans been falling short? Whether it’s over committing and under delivering or over committing (time wise, cash wise, emotionally), here’s your chance to wind things back and hit reset. Whatever you’re working n, getting it right will be an ongoing process of finetuning, so make peace with the fact you’re finessing rather than finishing and everything will feel a lot less angsty.


There’s a break in the weather coming your way, as the sky invites you to start moving towards a new vision. What that looks like is up to you, but chances are, this Mercury retrograde has made you rethink your whole approach to money… especially the kind you have to borrow (think: credit cards, mortgages, etc). Thursday’s new moon is your chance to put some flexible goals in place. Yes, it’s annoying you can’t lock something in with a rock solid plan, but in the long run you’ll be grateful you took baby steps rather than ginormous, irreversible strides.


There’s light at the end of the tunnel this week especially if your other half – or the people closest to you – have seemed a little out of sorts. No matter how tricky the past few weeks have been, make a pact (even if it’s just quietly in your mind), to start over. You don’t need to have a 20/20 vison of what you’re moving towards, but having some loose outline will make the other people in your life feel a whole lot more secure, so don’t begrudge them that, even if it seems like overkill to you.